Rapid Recorder for Windows Phone 7 All the ideas and discussions
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Upload all recodings that haven't been uploaded yet

Does anyone upload every recording they make and would like a way to add all the recordings which haven't yet been uploaded to a queue to be uploaded?

purpleflux, 26.06.2011, 13:33
Response from the site administrator
purpleflux, 17.07.2012
Thanks for the suggestion, it's a great idea. I will definitely add it. I don't have a timeline for when that will be though.

By the way I made this for GTD in the first place but I tend to go through the recordings on the phone. In 1.7 I introduced a 'go to next recording on delete' mode (under settings, playback) so it's pretty quick to go through on the phone too. It may not fit your workflow, but it might be an option until 'upload all not uploaded' option is available.

And thanks for the kind words :)
Idea status: under consideration


Dimitris, 24.05.2012, 08:54
Hi Purpleflux,

You have created an AMAZING product here! Congratulations! I am highly recommending this to all my friends with windows phones!

I really need you to implement this function: It is crucial to me to use my phone to record my thoughts and then, when I am connected to a wifi spot or on 3G coverage, to be able to upload all recordings to dropbox at once or e-mail the recordings in several e-mails to a specific e-mail account.

This is very useful when applying Getting Things Done method. I use rapid recorder as my Inbox, but I then need to consolidate my voice inbox with my regular inbox kept on dropbox, or on my mailbox.

So for this to be done, you have to put a button to either:
- batch send the recordings using separate e-mails to a specific e-mail address or
- batch upload the recordings to the dropbox/skydrive folder

All batch uploads should flag the recordings with (status: uploaded) so as then I can delete them when I am sure that the batch was transfered correctly in my regular inbox (in dropbox folder or mailbox).

I hope this was not so confusing!


William, 16.07.2012, 02:56
This app rocks. Thank you for the thought you've put into implementing features and giving users the choice to use them or not in the settings.

I vote that this would be an excellent feature (Upload All). I'm not quite as fanatic as the previous voter, but the reasons stated seem sound. For me, I've thought about this feature as a precaution. I use this app uses dozen times daily and if i get behind i can accumulate dozens of recordings. Then you'll publish an update and I paranoid that it might kill my recordings inadvertently (not so far, 100% reliable, just paranoid). So for backup, like if I want to reset my phone to factory, etc. I admit though I haven't needed this, a little lower priority for me. But great feature if you implement it.

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